Altar Service & Choir

Altar Service

All Catholic students in 4th to 8th grades are welcome to be altar servers for our school and Parish masses. Through this ministry, young people can share their faith with the STA community by their actions and words. Students who choose to serve the Parish in this capacity must attend a special training session.


This 2023-2024 school year, for the first time, Mr. Hebert and Mrs. Hyland will be co-directing the before school auditioned choir. This choir is designed for children (Grades 5-8) who would like to experience singing in a structured/traditional environment while learning chant, hymns, traditional/contemporary songs, and serve as the choir for the school weekly Masses, Christmas 4:00pm, and Eater 9:00am Masses, and other Sunday masses aligning with Dad’s Pancake Breakfasts. They will also be performing an Advent Concert in our church, sing the National Anthem at the Arizona Diamondback’s Faith and Family Night and participate the American Federation of Pueri Cantores Festival at St. Mary’s Basilica.